
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Response Testing


Functional medicine is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. By addressing root cause, rather than symptoms, a practitioner is better able to identify the complexity of disease. Root cause of disease is often nutritional deficiencies, toxicity, or some sort of disruption in normal biological function. Functional medicine practitioners assume this dysfunction can be addressed by looking at how your body works as a whole – rather than focusing on one specific problem area.

Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body and organ function to determine the underlying causes of ill or poor health. The body is used to determine what areas are under the most stress. Once these priority areas are determined, WHOLE FOOD nutrition and carbon technology are used to help correct the underlying cause. Nutrition Response Testing treats the root cause of many health concerns-not just the symptoms. The use of carbon technology is important for allowing drainage pathways to properly open, providing cellular energy and support to mitochondrial function and the body’s natural detox system.

By positively influencing your body, you will be supporting your body’s natural drainage pathways, detoxification processes, gut microbiome health, and your body’s ability to restore cells and tissues.

This clinically proven system may be quite different from any other healing practice that you may have experienced. The actual procedure is simple and direct, with the body providing all of the information and feedback needed.

Testing your body’s neurological reflexes are your body’s way of telling the practitioner how your nervous system is doing. As a Cell Core and Nutrition Response Testing practitioner, I will do a full body scan to properly assess each of your reflexes, and checking these reflexes against a variety of common causes, or stressors including scars, environmental toxins, food allergies and immune challenges.

Although every case is different, enthusiastic reports from patients come in around as little as 4-6 weeks, with the quickest recoveries coming from those who have most closely adhered to their recommended program.

Typically, chronic health conditions do not develop overnight, but rather they develop over a long period of time due to factors that include improper diet and environmental influences. Therefore, the sooner and more thoroughly you begin your program, the sooner you will start to see results. While on the program, if you continue these same old habits that contributed to your current condition, your body may not improve as you had hoped. Total commitment to your program is strongly urged.

Your progress will continue to be monitored and your program will be adjusted as needed when additional layers show up. This will allow you to get the real underlying health issues handled.



Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS)


MPS integrates the principles of acupuncture with modern neurology to provide an all-natural, holistic approach to treating the body and mind. This combination produces highly effective results.

The Dolphin NeuroStim is designed to treat chronic and acute soft tissue pain, nerve pain, scars and adhesions. The concentrated micro-current impulses are applied on trigger, motor and acupuncture points. This provides quick and effective pain relief for a long list of conditions.

Scars are universal and take on many forms from surgical, broken bones, sprained joints, torn muscles, inflammation, or any areas that are injured with trauma. We all accumulate scars throughout our lives, and they impact our bodies in many negative ways. C-sections and abdominal scars may be a hidden cause for millions of women suffering from chronic pain, as they have been reported to linked in literature to Chronic Post-Surgical Pain. Problems with scars are not only physical, but emotional. A sense of loss, anger, violation, humiliation and helplessness has been report associated with C-sections. Depression and PTSD symptoms have been reported by women who have received C-section procedures.

Scars have special influence on the body. They restrict metabolism, pull on fascia and negatively influence the body in many ways. Scars upregulate the sympathetic nervous system, producing stress, decreasing Heart rate Variability (HRV) and healing vagal tone. Scars create internal adhesions inside the body, block blood circulation and energetic flows, cause chronic pain and even suppress female hormone levels.

MPS Scar Release therapy (SRT) is a method used to release scars by being applied to the scar and then connected to key acupuncture points for localized cellular release and electrical re-connection of the body.

MPS therapy is also used in concussions. Concussion Recovery Therapy is the world’s first scientifically documented breakthrough for the treatment of TBI, brain injuries and concussions. Sympathetic stress and cortisol (the endocrine STRESS marker), are directly linked in research to concussions, diminished brain health and poor cognitive functioning. Concussion Recovery Therapy is specifically designed to dramatically reduce the physical causes of STRESS controlling TBI (traumatic brain injury) and PCS (post concussive syndrome) symptomology. Concussion Recovery Therapy has been scientifically proven to reduce CORTISOL (stress hormone), regulate the autonomic nervous system and improve cognitive functioning.



Infrared Sauna Therapy

Infrared energy is quickly gaining popularity as a safe therapy for natural health care. Infrared heat can benefit most of us in a number of powerful, therapeutic ways. By raising the body’s core temperature, infrared therapy has the potential to produce incredible therapeutic effects, including improved circulation, relieves pain and inflammation, enhances natural detoxification, and reinforces immune responses. Most importantly, far infrared heat is all natural and sets the stage in order for our bodies to heal naturally.



Trigger Point Dry Needling

Dry needling is a skilled intervention that uses a thin filiform needle to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points, muscular and connective tissues for the management of neuromusculoskeletal pain and movement impairments. It is a technique used to help dysfunctions in skeletal muscle, fascia and connective tissue. It is also used to diminish persistent peripheral pain input and reduce impairments in body structure and function, leading to improved activity and participation.